
Use of FlipGrid in Education

FlipGrid is a free online application that allows proposing activities in which the answers are in short videos easy to make up to 5 minutes that can be seen by others. It is social learning. It can be used in class or in other environments (groups of friends to organize something, professional environments, etc.), the key being that the results are short and easy videos to be made by the users themselves, both from the web and from the app for Android and iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch).

The teacher can record himself on video to launch a question to his students, choose a video already made an image or simply write the question. Students can participate by contributing their answers to the question and interact by recording their own videos. From this idea the tool offers a multitude of possibilities for use inside and outside the classroom and makes it an ideal tool for flipped learning.

What is FlipGrid?

FlipGrid is a website in which the teacher or organizer of the activity is registered and creates and generates a code that sends students or those who are going to intervene in it very easily. All this will be seen step by step later in the article on how to use FlipGrid. Those who will intervene in that class or activity , receive that code or web address and can be recorded on video to give an oral and visual response , which can then add emojis (smiley faces and other fun decorations) and other features that young students can be attractive (perhaps to a more adult audience not so much).

The potential that has FlipGrid as a tool is of enormous value but it has a cost 0 as it is totally free because it is owned by Microsoft (before the full version was paid although they also had a more limited free version). It is true that in the beginning it can generate a certain distrust on the part of the students because they feel embarrassed to record on video, but in subjects that last several months and as they use it they lose that shame especially when they see that others use it and of course they do not publicly disseminated, remaining only as an academic activity rather than “is fun.” You can even make everyone learn from everyone, that is why it is sometimes called “social learning” and even “social e-learning”.

FlipGrid, although initially designed for classroom activity, can also be used in other environments and for other purposes such as: